If you are here for the first time. - This is a wholesale site. No one will call back to confirm the order. Wholesalers are experienced customers and work through your personal account - click on your last name or profile photo in the upper right corner of the screen. In your personal account you can find - copies of all your orders, the status of your order - not paid, paid, sent. The TTN number of the new mail after sending the parcel - the new mail will duplicate it to you by SMS. The payment details are on the PAYMENT page of the site. The delivery is paid by the customer. The card of each product indicates how much of this product is in stock. If you were able to order a product, then this product is available. Each product card for wholesalers has an additional discount. Pay immediately. An order unpaid for 2 days is automatically canceled. There is no cash on delivery. We always have a queue for assembly. If you need it urgently, in the COSMETICS section you can buy a COUPON for an extraordinary assembly for 70 UAH. Any questions left? Write to the accounting department Viber 0935545099.